TAt the moment the only topic everybody is talking about is Corona. But I want to push away the negative vibes and let you dream a bit. It is better to do a “to-travel bucket list” for after this time than to complain about the virus and just get a negative mood. This is why I want to share a few travel spots and my experiences and recommendations with you!
No. 2: The Hague
Peace Palace
Here you can get a guided tour through the peace palace itself or visit the interactive exhibition in the building next to the peace palace. The exhibition deals from peace etc. and is for free. I personally just visited the exhibition. The exhibition is available in different languages with help of an audio guide and really fascinating. For free you should not miss this for sure!
Humanity house:
The humanity house allows you to experience the emotions and fears during an escape. The house is divided in two parts: In the first part you experience the life as a refugee itself and in the second part you can “talk to” interactive people on screen. A great experience to wake up the humanity in everyone. Goose skin promised!
Westduinpark/Clingedael park:
Great spots to take a walk! The Westduinpark is something special for me, because of the free animals and dune. Also The Hague is a great spot for driving with the bicycle.
The Pier:
The Pier is a great mixture of beach and attractions. A great place for people that need the adrenaline kick. Here you can bungee-jump or take a trip on the big wheel or ropeway, which is set one time all over the beach. Another great aspect are the view, restaurants and food opportunities. The minus are the high costs!:D
National monument Oranje hotel
Sadly I didn`t had the chance to visit this museum. The Oranjehotel was the prison of the Hague’s region Scheveningen during the Second World War.
My personal summary/opinion:
I really enjoyed The Hague. It is a great travel spot, especially because of the perfect mixture of city life and beach. The Hague has a lot of possibilities what to do, no matter if it is good or bad weather! I can just recommend visiting it!
Tatjana Thüner
Projekt je financiran s strani Evropske komisije. Vsebina objave odraža izključno stališča avtorja. Nacionalna agencija ter Evropska komisija nista odgovorni za kakršno koli uporabo informacij, ki jih objava vsebuje.