Spoznaj Mario, špansko prostovoljko v Trbovljah

Maria bo v našem okolju do konca julija 2019. Pocukajte jo za rokav, veseli se spoznavanja novih ljudi v našem okolju.

Hi, my name is Maria and I’m from Spain. I live in a town of Albacete called Villamalea. It is a great place to live, there is always some activity to do, people usually go to play oadel, soccer or basketball, they also like athletics a lot. On weekends all the people meet with their friends in any pub to drink something and talk. In addition there are other activities such as theaters or cinema, many people also like to spend the weekend away, or go to the city or go to the river to bathe in summer or to visit nature sites. It is also surrounded by very close towns so you can always go to the activities of the surrounding villages or just visit the friends there. 

I am 23 years old and I have finished my studies in administration and finance. I am currently working as a volunteer is Slovenia helping in a school. I decided to come to Slovenia because I saw the experience of a friend who had volunteered in Poland last year, and for me is also being very good experience, I am learning a new culture while discovering a new country and I make different friendships from different countries. I like music, movies and travel. It is not the first time I live outside my country, I was last year living in London. It was a great experience, I made a lot of friends and I learned a bit of English. I was a babysitter of two great children of 6 and 8 years old, and we had a lot of fun. I had the opportunity to visit many places in that country and I found them amazing. From this volunteering I want to live a great experience, learn new things and visit this country as much as possible, know its customs and its people Nice to meet you.

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