Prostovoljki Evropske solidarnostne enote v Trbovljah

Danes je točno en mesec odkar sta se Zavodu za mladino, šport in turizem Trbovlje pridružili 2 prostovoljki pri programu Evropska solidarnostna enota. To pomeni, da bosta z nami kar sedem mesecev. S svojimi idejami in pripravljenimi aktivnostmi bosta dodali svoj košček sestavljanke k mladinskemu delu in lokalnemu okolju. Luisa je prostovoljka, ki bo del svojega časa namenila Osnovni šoli Tončke Čeč, kjer bo pomagala in sodelovala pri pouku in delu z otroki. Clara pa bo svoj čas namenila Gimnaziji in ekonomski srednji šoli Trbovlje, kjer bo pomagala pri pouku nemščine in tako dijakom približala jezik. Poleg teh zadolžitev, pa bosta dekleti aktivni tudi pri nas v Zavodu za mladino, šport in turizem Trbovlje. Največkrat jih boste lahko srečali v Open clubu, ki je vsak torek od 16.00 do 20.00 ure. Pripravili pa bosta tudi kakšno poučno, ustvarjalno delavnico. Vas obvestimo prej, brez skrbi 🙂

Prostovoljki pa sta pripravili kratko predstavitev v angleškem jeziku. Spoznajte ju 🙂

Hello everyone:) My name is Luisa, I’m 19 years old, and I’m from a small village called Hainfeld in the Palatinate region in Germany I’m currently doing a voluntary service through the “European Solidarity Corps” here in Trbovlje, where I am helping in a primary school In my free time I enjoy hiking, I am a member of the scouts, I am very interested in projects about environmental protection and sustainability and I am a leader of a youth group️. I also love spending time with friends and traveling around Having the opportunity to be here in Slovenia and learn more about the culture, the country and even about myself is amazing and I am very excited to spend the next 6 months here Although I’ve only been here for about a month now, I already feel comfortable and home at ZMŠT. I have meet many welcoming and friendly people and I am happy to have such a great mentor☺️ The landscape around Trbovlje is beautiful and I am looking forward to explore everything️ I would love to get to know more people and learn about the Slovenian culture, so if you see me around, just feel free to talk to me (in English, because I am still learning Slovenian)


Živjo, or ‘moin’ as we would say in the north of Germany! My name is Clara, and I am 19 years old from Rostock, located in the northeast of Germany. In my free time, I love spending time outside and exploring the nature, going for walks or hiking. But I also enjoy reading as well as being creative. I am currently doing a ‘European Solidarity Corps’ in Trbovlje, where I assist with german lessons at a gymnasium. I am excited about the opportunity and the following months I will spend here in slovenia learning more about the country’s culture, language and also about myself. Moreover I am excited to gain a lot of new experiences and meeting a lot of new people. I am now around a month here and it already feels like home with all the kind people I have already met here, like my Coordinator and Mentor and a lot of other people. The nature around Trbovlje is beautiful and I look forward to all the adventures and hikes that are waiting for me in Trbovlje and Slovenia in the next few months


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