Emma Loni Carl je v Zavodu za mladino in šport Trbovlje na individualni prostovoljski aktivnosti 12 mesecev. Svojo prostovoljsko dolžnost opravlja v Gimnaziji in ekonomski srednji šoli Trbovlje, kjer učencem pomaga pri urah nemškega jezika. Tovrstne solidarnostne aktivnosti mladim nudijo možnost, da sodelujejo v vsakodnevnem delu organizacij. Emma je v okviru ESE projekta z nami od oktobra 2022 pa vse do konca septembra 2023.

Emma se predstavi : My name is Emma. I’m a 23 year old girl from Germany and now an ESC- volunteer. On the 1. October I arrived in Slovenia and your beautiful city Trbovlje. The people from the youth hostel welcomed me and are helping me getting comfortable. Because of the ESC- programm I will be staying with you for 9 months, living in the hostel. So what am I doing here? My main task will be at the gymnasium. Here I will help the students with learning German. Preparing lessons, practice speaking the language and showing youn German culture. Additionally I will help and participate in the activities of the youth center. Since my arrival I mostly used my time to go explore the city or enjoying the nice weather with a coffee. I also love to read, to draw, to watch movies and enjoying nature, going hiking. In Germany Slovenia is known for its beautiful nature and kind, hospitable people. I am really looking forward to exploring more from your country, getting to know your culture and learning your language, too. I’m sure I will have a good time here. If you see me around, come talk to me. (English, Slovenian or German, we will manage)

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