It is hard to explain what is actually mid-term evaluation. It has it own meaning but I truly believe, that everyone could explain it different. For me mid-term was evaluation about my EVS project, talking about problems and also good things, asking questions to trainers, what I would like to know, making our tasks and time table, because all of us were more concentrated on our own things.
My mid-term was just last week. It was actually, in the middle of nowhere, in very quiet and beautiful place called Podčetrtek. It’s a health resort with few hotels. And also we had everything, good rooms, tasty food, swimming pool, sauna and so on. We had big rooms, with beautiful view and comfortable beds. And for our evaluation we had big big hall where we were spending most of the time.
Why do we, EVS volunteers need mid-term evaluation? Or we can just skip it? Well, like I said before, mid-term is evaluation of your EVS project and also looking bit further into the future. I believe, that all of us had hard times during volunteering process. Maybe someone felt that they can’t write their personal project because they have no idea what it should be, or maybe someone felt very bad, because they have some problems in their hosting and coordinating organization etc. Mid-term is about EVERYTHING. Somehow you can solve your problems, with the help of mentors, or other EVS volunteers, that had same problem. Also you can share your feelings about things that are happening in your project. It is about sharing your experience with others.
For me mid-term was evaluation and also reflection on my own things. Just letting everything out and really, after this I felt much better, because keeping everything on your own can make yourself explode into million pieces. It was hard to leave from there, because I wanted to know much more about other things. On another hand I felt very good, not only because I met new amazing people there, but because I was talking, a lot. Not about random things, but about me, my project, my problems, my feelings, my experience, my advices to others.
If you think that on-arrival will be fun, I mean, yes it will be because you will meet friends, that will become your second family, you will learn new things, actually, a lot of them, but mid-term will be more on your own. Mentors decided that we need to make our own time table and gave us some time to make topics that we want to talk about. List was super long, because we wrote not only about things that we want to know, but about problems that we have in our organizations.
So yeah, mid-term is more about talking and trying to solve problems. However we had our “trainers” and of course that they have much more experience than we do, but it’s not the same. Volunteers were talking to each other and trying to help. One of the trainers said, that EVS is like a journey, for one person it can be super good for another one can be really bad. People who had good journey were helping those who were feeling bit down.
I could write a lot about mid-term and what we were doing there, but I want to answer the question. Yes, we need mid-term, we need to let everything out and feel better. Experience that you will get there, people that you will meet there and everything! Believe me, I cleaned myself and no I am ready to continue my journey but in a different way that I did before. In a better way, with more experience and knowledge.
Darija Švanba