Manual for Building Community Support for Refugees and Migrants

Since 2017, Trbovlje Youth Center has been implementing the strategic partnership project in the Erasmus + program called Safe Haven. We developed three intellectual results in the project: a manual for local communities, a simulation game and the network of organizations for future co-operation. Allow us to present you the first result – A Manual for Building Community Support for Refugees and Migrants.

The refugee crisis in 2015 has shown that organizations and institutions are not ready to cope with the challenges that followed: the rising intolerance, radicalization, hate speech, and social exclusion. Partners in the Safe Haven concluded, that we do not have a quality tool for working with young people to address the problem of growing intolerance towards something or someone that is different, foreign, and unknown. The lack of measures, knowledge and experience in organizations of the local environment for encouraging tolerance among people and a weak network of international partners, experienced in the key areas covered by the project, have encouraged us to develop three intellectual results within the project – a manual with several measures for building community support, an experiential game for working with young people and an international network of experienced organizations for future projects with similar topics.

The manual is the result of work of four partners in the two-year project strategic partnership project called Safe Haven – the Trbovlje Youth Center from Slovenia, Global Link from Great Britain, Stowarzyszenie Rozwoju and Mlodziezy Integration from Poland and Toplum Gonululieri Vakfi from Turkey. Together we made research of the existing good practices for building community support for migrants and refugees in all four countries and gathered it into this manual.

The manual was created to contain not only the theoretical basis, but above all the practical activities that can be performed in the local community or in an environment that faces the advent of a larger group of people from another culture. Therefore, the manual combines measures for schools, youth and other organizations, as well as individuals dealing with decision makers and the media.

In attachment below there is an English online version of the manual containing 24 actions, grouped into 6 chapters: activities to raise awareness among young people, working with refugee and migrant children, measures working with the general public and local communities, advice on how to communicate with decision makers and the media, and the volunteering section. Besides the English, we’re also preparing the Slovenian, Polish and Turkish version.

Download the Manual for Bulding Community Support for Refugees and Migrants

Download the Manual in Polish

Download the Manual in Turkish

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