Legal notice

The subject of the legal notice is the website of the public institution Mladinski center Trbovlje Published content is informative and not legally binding. Before using this page, please read the terms and conditions of use.


Use of the website of the Trbovlje Youth Center

Users have at their disposal the content on the website at for their personal use, without infringing copyright. Content authors are not responsible for any adverse effects of use. Any other use or distribution of such web content or their work is not permitted.

Printing and storing documents are allowed only for personal, educational or otherwise non-commercial purposes, provided that you observe copyright or other proprietary notices in documents.


Limitation of liability

Trbovlje Youth Center is not responsible for the use of websites and for any damages caused by the use of online content. The contents of the website of the Youth Center Trbovlje are for informational purposes only and are not binding. You are using the website of the Youth Center Trbovlje at your own risk. Youth Center Trbovlje is a teaching and learning organization and therefore does not guarantee that the published contents, materials and information are always complete and error free.

The Youth Center Trbovlje will strive to ensure the highest level of correctness and completeness of published information. The Youth Center Trbovlje can change content at any time without obligation to inform users, and is not responsible for the consequences of the changes that have been caused this way.

The Trbovlje Youth Center does not guarantee that the website will always work correctly, that the servers on which the web site and related servers are located and the remaining equipment will not be infected with viruses or other harmful elements.


Links to websites

The website of the Trbovlje Youth Center contains links to websites managed by third parties. Trbovlje Youth Center is not responsible for the content and correctness of the information contained on these web links. You use external web links that are located on the website of Youth Center Trbovlje at your own risk.

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