Hey there! Language UP! youth exchnage in Trbovlje, Slovenia, has just been completed. So, we would like to share our experiences and thoughts with you.
Language up YE was a very entertaining and educational experience. Throughout this project, I had the chance to engage with people from different countries and make new friends. Also, I had the opportunity to participate in lots of energetic and interactive activities through which I gave the greatest part of my energy. I tried to be a better version of myself. For me, it was more than a valuable, unforgettable and definitely a worth-living experience.
It was a beautiful experience. We came across with lots of people coming from different cultural backgrounds. We shared various ideas and we discovered our similarities and differences. I learnt lots of things about foreign languages, cultural traditions and traditional food. Every YE is an opportunity for a young person to broaden his/her own horizons and get out of his/her comfort zone. I definitely recommend this experience to everyone!
My first thought about Slovenia was that is extremely similar country to Lithuania where I had another Erasmus experience. So, this was a fact that made me feel comfortable. I met a lot of people that I liked. It was very interesting to speak with different people, listen their thoughts and share various ideas with them. Apart from the knowledge that I received the most importaint part for me was the connection with the new people. I don’t know what the future will bring, but I will participate in another Erasmus+ project soon.
Every YE is a totally different experience. I’m so full of memories! I was really surprised by the workshops we did because I think that throught them we had the opportunity to express our opinion about foreign languages. I feel that I received so many valuable things and it was an experience that I will keep inside me for ever. The limits are created to be exceeded, the limits of society rules, the limits of the world, the limits of ourselves. Experiences like this learn you how to unlearn.