Hi, I’m Josephine

Hello, I’m Josephine! I came from Berlin (Germany) to Trbovlje in the beginning of October as one of the new EVS volunteers. My task for the next nine months is to work in the Osnovna šola Ivana Cankarja four days a week, and in the Madlinski Center Trbovlje one day a week. In the school I mainly just mingle with the little kids, or sing songs with the older ones, things I enjoy doing. And as I have to little brothers at home, I am used to the constant noise and I can blend it out very easilyJ. Infact I prefer a bit of noise to the silence of a little town I first experienced since a came here. That is probably the biggest struggel for me so far – adapting to the way of life in a smaler town. And coming from Berlin to Trbovlje does confront you with a big contrast: I swoped a city of 3.5 million inhabitants (that’s more then in the entire country of Slovenia!), where there is always something to do, always someone you know, everywhere you go, and where I was moving around by bike most of the times, to a little town, where I don’t know a lot of poeple so far, everything is in walking distance and which is surroundet by mountains – if you’re from Berlin those hills around Trbovlje seem like the Himalaya to you.

One of the things I’am really looking forward to do, is to explore the diverse countryside of Slovenia. Photographie has always been a hobby of mine, beside dancing,  music, traveling and other things. I am interrested in digital as well as in analoge photographie and also used to develope the films and fotos myself. So I hope to get to see a lot of the country and also the sourrounding ones, and I hope to get to know the inhabitans of Trbovlje, since we will be neighbours for the next nine months. I am looking forward to the time I will spend in Slovenia, to the poeple I will meet and to the experiences and knowledge I will gather!


Josephine, EVS volunteer in OŠ Ivana Cankarja and MCT


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