Goodbye Slovenia 

 I am writing this blog, and still I do not believe that my project has ended, that this is the last day of it. I have the felling that  yestrday I came to Trbvolje, to Slovenia, and I was asking myself will I be able to stay here for nine months? I had so many questions in my head in that period, but now when is the last day, I am more than happy, because I was part of this project.
Even if I did not had chance to finish this project in Slovenia, and even if it did not ended as I imagened it, because of the situation in the world in which we are right now, but still it is a great experience. During ESC you learn a lot of things, in the beginning you think it is just fun, traveling, but for me it was a bit different, of course it was fun, and we travelled, but it is more than that. For me it was a life lecture, fun, job, life in new country, with new culture, and life with new people, just some experience that will mark your life. I remember me when I came the first day, and now while I am writing this blog, I can say that I changed a lot, my views on life, culture, and friends are better, and this also made me more relaxed that I was before, and also helped me to understand myself better. Of course, that I had bad days, and days when I was sad, homesick, or it was just not my day, but still I had friends there who made it easier for me, so during this project you have your bad and your good days, it is just like normal life. The important thing is to stay motivated and happy!
Once again, I want to say thank you everyone, who were part of my project, and my life in Slovenia, I am so proud of myself, because I did get out of my comfort zone, and now I am ready for the new challenges and opportunites that life will give to me! Thank you ESC, thank you my people for this amazing experience.

Fatima Muhmutović, European Solidartiy Corps Volunteer .

Projekt je financiran s strani Evropske komisije. Vsebina objave odraža izključno stališča avtorja. Nacionalna agencija ter Evropska komisija nista odgovorni za kakršno koli uporabo informacij, ki jih objava vsebuje.

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