Creating my future by taking care of my happiness

Hi there!
My name is Martin, I’m half Portuguese and half Venezuelan. I was born in Curazao, but I’ve lived in Madeira for most of my life.
So, one year ago I was studying on a cooking school, but I didn’t finish, because, well I wasn’t doing nothing to do with my dream and I wasn’t feeling happy, so I quit and went for it, to do the things I love.
My dream/objective is to be an artist in general and work on that, I love music that’s my main passion, I love to paint and I also love filmmaking and photography.
I`ve done some sports these years, like basketball, skating, squash, swimming classes, karaté and spear fishing.
About coming to Slovenia, I just wanted to learn about a new culture, to know and hear new stories so that in a way it will probably give me more inspiration to my work and so.
That’s it basically, I’m searching for new things to do, feeding my curiosity and having my own adventure.
Thanks for reading this,
Now you know something about me, thanks.
Martin Alejandro Rojas Nobrega
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