Social Impact Award je največja Evropska skupnost socialnih podjetnikov do 30. leta starosti. Od leta 2009 SIA izvaja izobraževalne programe in inkubatorje v Evropi, Aziji in vzhodni Afriki. SIA s tem podpira socialne podjetnike na začetku svoje poti pri razvijanju in implementiranju inovativnih poslovnih rešitev ključnih družbenih izzivov našega časa. Vse to počnemo z organiziranjem dogodkov in delavnic, s katerimi…
O prvem treningu, ki smo ga gostili v Mladinskem centru Trbovlje v okviru projekta Wings of Youth Work. Projekt na Krilih mladinskega dela smo zasnovali v Mladinskem centru Trbovlje na osnovi potreb, ki smo jih zaznali v organizaciji ter na podlagi splošnih karakteristik v mladinskem delu. Vsako leto se v nekem mladinskem centru zamenja, sreča, dela, spoznava, uči nešteto oseb…
Srednja šola Zagorje je v šolskem letu 2014/2015 pridobila licenco za izvajanje programa MEPI – Mednarodno priznanje za mlade oziroma »International award for young people«. Program je nastal v Veliki Britaniji po drugi svetovni vojni. Program je prilagojen posamezniku oziroma njegovim interesom na področju prostovoljstva, veščin in športa. Njegov namen je tudi ta, da se mladi z dodatnimi spretnostmi in…
Hello! My name is Džana , and I am from Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina). I have just graduated from high school, and because I still have to make up my mind on what I want to study after, I decided to take a gap year. What interested me about coming to Trbovlje was its broad interest in education, culture and…
Hi there! My name is Martin, I’m half Portuguese and half Venezuelan. I was born in Curazao, but I’ve lived in Madeira for most of my life. So, one year ago I was studying on a cooking school, but I didn’t finish, because, well I wasn’t doing nothing to do with my dream and I wasn’t feeling happy, so I…
Hi folks!, My name is Jorge and I come from a place called Madrid. I’ve almost graduated in social and cultural anthropology but I didn’t finished – maybe in the future. I’ve studied a lot of things to work in social services, like sociocultural enterteiment, sociocultural activities coordinator, etc. Also I fight always against the social class injustice through my…
Marina Savić from Bosnia and Herzegovina volunteered for 2 months in Zasavje region, in Slovenia. This is her story. I always saw in EVS a great opportunity. An experience in a foreign country, for free. And when I found the opportunity to be an EVS volunteer, in Slovenia, I thought it was perfect: I would get the chance to do…
I am from Bursa, Turkey and 23 years old. I graduated from Uludag University, Primary School Education in June 2018. I would like to share with you where I lived. During my bachelor degree, I went on Erasmus twice. At first, I went to Tallinn, Estonia for 6 months in 2015. Then, I became an Erasmus exchange student in Ljubljana,…
In the last days of my volunteering it’s time to collect all the memories, experiences and moments lived in Trbovlje, a small town in a small country called Slovenia. Getting to know the Erasmus + EVS program by chance, and after having made a very satisfactory Erasmus in my university stage do not hesitate to request one of these projects.…
Verjetno poznate družabne igre kot so Monopoly, Človek ne jezi se, Črni peter, remi, spomin, Enka… Te takorekoč osnovne družabne igre so prerasle v razširjen hobi z več kot 100.000 različnimi družabnimi igrami, družabne igre so ljubitelje le-teh spojile v močno povezano in razvejano skupnost. Največji ljubitelji oziroma entuziasti družabnih iger so ustvarili tekmovanja, na primer Spiel des Jahres, dogodek,…